We planned an even balance of touring and down days on this trip. Sitting around is not something that comes naturally to me, I start to twitch after a while. But it is good for us, no pressure except when to get into the pool.
Not that there was no (minor) drama, the Internet service has been spotty and my roll as IT head at home also extends to travel issues. I did my research and when I asked the hotel staff what was up with their internet connection I was told to cycle the wifi and if that does not fix it the device itself. I told them that the devices are fine and the problem was either with their modem to their ISP or at their ISP itself. Ohh was the response I got to that information. The staff later confirmed I was correct and they were working with their ISP to fix the issue. They apologized rather profusely for the problems, and I told them I was on an island in the Atlantic Ocean and the fact that I had internet service at all was pretty amazing. We had a good laugh over that.
Back to relaxing… Twitch…