We made it.
Ok that sounds like there was more drama than there really was… These transits are routine now, but each are a little bit different.
I found a great sleep aide on this trip, the movie ‘Batman vs Superman’. I could not get comfortable for a while, watched ‘Hail Caesar’ which kept my interest and tried to watch ‘B vs S’ which resulted in me falling asleep in 15 minutes or so. Coincidence? Try it and let me know.
The car ride from the airport to the hotel was very interesting, the driver was having a fit of some kind, drunk, or the worst driver we have ever had. He spend and could not keep to his lane scaring Kim quite well. I could not thing of a reasonable way to eject him and take over… But we made it.
The hotel itself is quite nice but quieter than we thought. We asked what was up and it turns out Volvo has most of the hotel booked and they are all in conferences most of the day. We could tell when the conferences let out, the bars got flooded with all kinds of nationalities.
Dinner tonight by the (Mediterranean) Sea, great fish and Flamingo dancers. Note to new parents, new babies and Flamingo dancers are not a good mix! Just saying!
Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA